These 35 unique projects, each with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, show just how simple it is to make professional looking jewellery using only a few basic materials. The crocheted and knitted jewellery section shows you how to use wire just like yarn to create a tightly woven fabric or an open mesh - and with a few carefully chosen beads, your designs are guaranteed to sparkle. 'Pre-knit wire' is full of inventive ideas - roll it, fold it, twist it and pull it to form interesting shapes and effects that are so quick to make. There are bangles, necklaces and even a glove that can be given as gifts or kept as a treat for yourself. The twisted wire section demonstrates perfectly the versatility and pliability of wire. Twist wire around individual beads, use it to form interwoven pieces that look incredibly intricate and bend it into angular shapes. The final chapter looks at using a mandrel to create beautiful coiled jewellery. You can make same-sized coils or gently tapering spirals and use them for meadow-green twirl earrings, a Cephalonian twilight ring or a raven's wing cuff. Chrissie Day's creative designs will have you returning to this book time and again, whether you're a beginner or a jewellery-making afficionado.
Chrissie Day: Wire Jewellery: Crocheted, Knitted, Twisted and Beaded

Аннотация к книге "Wire Jewellery: Crocheted, Knitted, Twisted and Beaded": Chrissie Day
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